What is Transcend?
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21/07/24 – 10am - 3pmWhere
Hackney MarshesWho is Queer Running Club?
Queer Running Club is a safe space for queer and trans people to run together.
Established in Hackney, East London in 2019.
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What is Transcend?
This will be the first ever queer and trans only running and walking event in Hackney, taking place during LGBTQIA+ Pride celebrations in July 2024. 5km and 10km distances, all abilities are welcome!
Organised by Queer Running Club to celebrate trans, non-binary, gender non-conforming people, to raise awareness of the discrimination faced by the trans community.
Half of your entry fee will go towards our Trans siblings fundraisers for gender affirming surgeries.
All queer and trans people are welcome, we ask that you: Be proud, Be supportive, Be respectful, No transphobia, No homophobia, No queerphobia, No racism, No sexism, No ableism, No harassment of any kind.
Bring your friends to support you. We cannot wait to celebrate with you!
21/07/24 – 10am - 3pmWhere
Hackney MarshesWho is Queer Running Club?
Queer Running Club is a safe space for queer and trans people to run together.
This event would not be happening without the support of, thank you so much:
Neil at Beyond the Box
Ian at Positive East
Mia at lululemon Spitalfields
Design by Hannah Dickins
Build by Jed Just
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